Description of WildWood#

\[\begin{equation*} \newcommand{\cX}{\mathcal X} \newcommand{\cY}{\mathcal Y} \newcommand{\bs}{\boldsymbol} \newcommand{\cell}{C} \newcommand{\node}{\mathbf{v}} \newcommand{\leaves}{\mathrm{leaves}} \newcommand{\leaf}{\node}%{\mathbf{l}} \newcommand{\tree}{\mathcal{T}} \newcommand{\splits}{\Sigma} \newcommand{\pred}{\widehat{y}} \newcommand{\otb}{{\mathtt{otb}}} \newcommand{\itb}{{\mathtt{itb}}} \newcommand{\probas}{\mathcal{P}} \newcommand{\P}{\mathcal{P}} \newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\dirichletdist}{\mathsf{Dir}} \newcommand{\nodes}{\mathrm{nodes}} \newcommand{\inodes}{\mathrm{intnodes}} \renewcommand{\root}{\mathtt{root}} \renewcommand{\P}{\mathbb P} \newcommand{\ind}[1]{\mathbf 1_{#1}} \newcommand{\loss}{\ell} \newcommand{\pp}{\; : \; } \newcommand{\eps}{\varepsilon} \newcommand{\wh}{\widehat} \newcommand{\pathpoint}{\mathtt{path}} \newcommand{\wbar}{w^{\mathrm{den}}} \newcommand{\wnum}{w^{\mathrm{num}}} \end{equation*}\]

Let us explain here a bit of the theory behind WildWood. We have data that comes as a set of training samples \((x_i, y_i)\) for \(i=1, \ldots, n\) with vectors of numerical or categorical features \(x_i \in \cX \subset \mathbb R^d\) and labels \(y_i \in \cY\). These correspond to the rows of X and the coordinates of y passed to .fit(X, y).

Random Forest#

Given a vector of features \(x \in \cX\), the prediction of a Random Forest is the average

\[\begin{equation*} \widehat{g}(x ; \boldsymbol \Pi) = \frac 1M \sum_{m=1}^M \widehat{f}(x ; \Pi_m) \end{equation*}\]

of the predictions of \(M\) randomized decision trees \(\widehat f(x ; \Pi_m)\) for \(m=1, \ldots, M\) (following the principle of bagging [B2]) where \(\Pi_m\) corresponds to random bootstrap and feature subsampling involved in their training (see Bootstrap and feature subsampling below).

These decision trees are trained independently of each other, in parallel, using different (independent and identically distributed realizations) stacked in \(\boldsymbol \Pi = (\Pi_1, \ldots, \Pi_M)\). The number of trees \(M\) corresponds to the n_estimators parameter in WildWood and defaults to \(10\). A first step involved in training WildWood is feature binning, as explained next.

Feature binning#

The split finding strategy described in Split finding on histograms below works on binned features. This technique is of common practice in extreme gradient boosting libraries [B6, B11, B15] and we use the same approach in WildWood. The input \(n \times d\) matrix \(\bs X\) of features is transformed into another same-size matrix of “binned” features denoted \(\bs X^{\mathrm{bin}}\). To each input feature \(j=1, \ldots, d\) (columns of X) is associated a set \(B_j = \{ 1, \ldots, b_j \}\) of bins, where \(b_j \leq b_{\max}\) with \(b_{\max}\) a hyperparameter called max_bins in WildWood, corresponding to the maximum number of bins a feature can use (default is max_bins=256 similarly to [B11], so that a single byte can be used for the entries of \(\bs X^{\text {bin}}\)). When a feature is continuous, it is binned into \(b_{\max}\) bins using inter-quantile intervals. If it is categorical, each modality is mapped to a bin whenever \(b_{\max}\) is larger than its number of modalities, otherwise the sparsest modalities end up binned together. If a feature \(j\) contains missing values, its rightmost bin in \(B_j\) is used to encode them. After binning, each column satisfies \(\bs X_{\bullet, j}^\mathrm{bin} \in B_j^n\).

Random decision trees#

Let \(\cell = \prod_{j=1}^d B_j\) be the binned feature space. A random decision tree is a pair \((\tree, \splits)\), where \(\tree\) is a finite ordered binary tree and \(\splits\) contains information about each node in \(\tree\), such as split information. The tree is random and its source of randomness \(\Pi\) comes from the bootstrap and feature subsampling as explained below.

Finite ordered binary trees#

A finite ordered binary tree \(\tree\) is represented as a finite subset of the set \(\{ 0, 1 \}^* = \bigcup_{n \geq 0} \{ 0, 1 \}^n\) of all finite words on \(\{ 0, 1\}\). The set \(\{ 0, 1\}^*\) is endowed with a tree structure (and called the complete binary tree): the empty word \(\root\) is the root, and for any \(\node \in \{ 0, 1\}^*\), the left (resp. right) child of \(\node\) is \(\node 0\) (resp. \(\node 1\)). We denote by \(\inodes (\tree) = \{ \node \in \tree : \node 0, \node 1 \in \tree \}\) the set of its interior nodes and by \(\leaves (\tree) = \{ \node \in \tree : \node 0, \node 1 \not\in \tree \}\) the set of its leaves, both sets are disjoint and the set of all nodes is \(\nodes(\tree) = \inodes (\tree) \cup \leaves (\tree)\).

Splits and cells#

The split \(\sigma_\node = (j_\node, t_\node) \in \Sigma\) of each \(\node \in \inodes (\tree)\) is characterized by its dimension \(j_\node \in \{ 1, \dots, d \}\) and a subset of bins \(t_\node \subsetneq \{ 1, \ldots, b_{j_\node} \}\). We associate to each \(\node \in \tree\) a cell \(\cell_\node \subseteq C\) which is defined recursively: \(C_\root = C\) and for each \(\node \in \inodes(\tree)\) we define

\[\begin{equation*} \cell_{\node 0} := \{ x \in \cell_\node : x_{j_\node} \in t_{\node} \} \quad \text{and} \quad \cell_{\node 1} := \cell_\node \setminus \cell_{\node 0}. \end{equation*}\]

When \(j_\node\) corresponds to a continuous feature, bins have a natural order and \(t_\node = \{ 1, 2, \ldots, s_{\node} \}\) for some bin threshold \(s_{\node} \in B_{j_\node}\); while for a categorical split, the whole set \(t_\node\) is required. By construction, \((\cell_{\leaf})_{\leaf \in \leaves (\tree)}\) is a partition of \(\cell\).

Bootstrap and feature subsampling#

Let \(I = \{1, \ldots, n\}\) be the training samples indices. The randomization \(\Pi\) of the tree uses bootstrap: it samples uniformly at random, with replacement, elements of \(I\) corresponding to in-the-bag (\(\itb\)) samples. If we denote as \(I_\itb\) the indices of unique \(\itb\) samples, we can define the indices of out-of-bag (\(\otb\)) samples as \(I_\otb = I \setminus I_\itb\). A standard argument shows that \(\P[i \in I_\itb] = 1 - (1 - 1/n)^n \rightarrow 1 - e^{-1} \approx 0.632\) as \(n \rightarrow +\infty\), known as the 0.632 rule [B8]. The randomization \(\Pi\) uses also feature subsampling: each time we need to find a split, we do not try all the features \(\{1, \ldots, d\}\) but only a subset of them of size \(d_{\max}\), chosen uniformly at random. The \(d_{\max}\) hyperparameter is called max_features in WildWood. This follows what standard RF algorithms do [B1, B3, B12], with the default \(d_{\max} = \sqrt{d}\).

Split finding on histograms#

For \(K\)-class classification, when looking for a split for some node \(\node\), we compute the node’s “histogram”

\[\begin{equation*} \mathrm{hist}_\node[j, b, k] = \sum_{i \in I_\itb : x_i \in \cell_\node} \ind{x_{i, j} = b, y_i = k} \end{equation*}\]

for each sampled feature \(j\), each bin \(b\) and label class \(k\) seen in the node’s samples (actually weighted counts to handle bootstrapping and sample weights). Of course, one has \(\mathrm{hist}_\node = \mathrm{hist}_{\node 0} + \mathrm{hist}_{\node 1}\), so that we don’t need to compute two histograms for siblings \(\node 0\) and \(\node 1\), but only a single one. Then, we loop over the set of non-constant (in the node) sampled features \(\{ j : \# \{ b : \sum_{k} \mathrm{hist}_\node[j, b, k] \geq 1 \} \geq 2 \}\) and over the set of non-empty bins \(\{ b : \sum_{k} \mathrm{hist}_\node[j, b, k] \geq 1 \}\) to find a split, by comparing standard impurity criteria computed on the histogram’s statistics, such as gini or entropy for classification and variance for regression.

Bin order and categorical features#

The order of the bins used in the loop depends on the type of the feature. If it is continuous, we use the natural order of bins. If it is categorical and the task is binary classification (labels in \(\{0, 1\}\)) we use the bin order that sorts

\[\begin{equation*} \frac{\mathrm{hist}_\node[j, b, 1]}{\sum_{k=0, 1} \mathrm{hist}_\node[j, b, k]} \end{equation*}\]

with respect to \(b\), namely the proportion of labels \(1\) in each bin. This allows to find the optimal split with complexity \(O(b_j \log b_j)\), see Theorem 9.6 in [B4], the logarithm coming from the sorting operation, while there are \(2^{b_j - 1} -1\) possible splits. This trick is used by extreme gradient boosting libraries as well, using an order of \(\text{gradient} / \text{hessian}\) statistics of the loss considered [B6, B11, B15].

For \(K\)-class classification with \(K > 2\), we consider two strategies:

  1. one-versus-rest, where we train \(M K\) trees instead of \(M\), each tree trained with a binary one-versus-rest label, so that trees can find optimal categorical splits. This corresponds to the multiclass="ovr" option in WildWood.

  2. heuristic, where we train \(M\) trees and where split finding uses \(K\) loops over bin orders that sort \(\mathrm{hist}_\node[j, b, k] / \sum_{k'} \mathrm{hist}_\node[j, b, k']\) (with respect to \(b\)) for \(k=0, \ldots, K-1\). This corresponds to the multiclass="multinomial" (default) and cat_split_strategy="all" options. Note that cat_split_strategy="binary" and cat_split_strategy="random" are also available, that respectively sort class 1 against the others and sort a class selected at random against the others.

If a feature contains missing values, we do not loop only left to right (along bin order), but right to left as well, in order to compare splits that put missing values on the left or on the right.


The handling of missing values in WildWood is still under development.

Split requirements#

Nodes must hold at least one \(\itb\) and one \(\otb\) sample to apply aggregation with exponential weights, see Prediction function: aggregation with exponential weights below. A split is discarded if it leads to children with less than min_samples_leaf \(\itb\) or \(\otb\) samples and we do not split a node with less than min_samples_split \(\itb\) or \(\otb\) samples. These hyperparameters only weakly impact WildWood’s performances and sticking to default values (min_samples_leaf=1 and min_samples_split=2, following scikit-learn’s defaults [B12, B14]) is usually enough (see [B9] for experiments confirming this).

Tree growth stopping#

We do not split a node and make it a leaf if it contains less than min_samples_split \(\itb\) or \(\otb\) samples. When only leaves or non-splittable nodes remain, the growth of the tree is stopped. Trees grow in a depth-first fashion so that childs \(\node 0\) and \(\node 1\) have memory indexes larger than their parent \(\node\) (as required by Algorithm 1 below).

Prediction function: aggregation with exponential weights#

Given a tree \(\tree\) grown as described in Random decision trees and Split finding on histograms, its prediction function is an aggregation of the predictions given by all possible subtrees rooted at \(\root\), denoted \(\{T : T \subset \tree \}\). While \(\tree\) is grown using \(\itb\) samples, we use \(\otb\) samples to perform aggregation with exponential weights, with a branching process prior over subtrees, that gives more importance to subtrees with a good predictive \(\otb\) performance.

Node and subtree prediction#

We define \(\node_{T} (x) \in \leaves(T)\) as the leaf of \(T\) containing \(x \in \cell\). The prediction of a node \(\node \in \nodes(\tree)\) and of a subtree \(T \subset \tree\) is given by

(1)#\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:node_subtree_prediction} \pred_{\node} = h ( (y_i)_{i \in I_\itb \pp x_i \in \cell_\node}) \quad \text{ and } \quad \pred_{T} (x) = \pred_{\node_{T} (x)}, \end{equation}\]

where \(h : \cup_{n \geq 0} \cY^n \to \widehat \cY\) is a generic “forecaster” used in each cell and where a subtree prediction is the one of its leaf containing \(x\).

A standard choice for regression (\(\cY = \widehat \cY = \R\)) is the empirical mean forecaster

(2)#\[ \pred_{\node} = \frac{1}{n_{\node}} \sum_{i \in I_\itb \pp x_i \in \cell_\node} y_i, \]

where \(n_{\node} = | \{i \in I_\itb \pp x_i \in \cell_\node \} |\).

For \(K\)-class classification with \(\cY = \{ 1, \ldots, K \}\) and \(\widehat \cY = \probas(\cY)\), the set of probability distributions over \(\cY\), a standard choice is a Bayes predictive posterior with a prior on \(\probas (\cY)\) equal to the Dirichlet distribution \(\dirichletdist(\alpha, \dots, \alpha)\), namely the Jeffreys prior on the multinomial model \(\probas (\cY)\), which leads to

(3)#\[ \pred_{\node} (k) = \frac{n_{\node} (k) + \alpha}{n_{\node} + \alpha K}, \]

for any \(k \in \cY\), where \(n_{\node} (k) = | \{ i \in I_\itb : x_i \in \cell_\node, y_i = k \} |\). By default, WildWood uses \(\alpha = 1/2\) (the Krichevsky-Trofimov forecaster [B16]), but one can perfectly use any \(\alpha > 0\), so that all the coordinates of \(\pred_{\node}\) are positive. The parameter \(\alpha\) is called dirichlet in WildWood. This is motivated by the fact that WildWood uses as default the log loss to assess \(\otb\) performance for classification, which requires an arbitrarily chosen clipping value for zero probabilities. Different choices of \(\alpha\) only weakly impact WildWood’s performance, as illustrated in [B9]. We use \(\otb\) samples to define the cumulative losses of the predictions of all \(T \subset \tree\)

(4)#\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:subtree_loss} L_T = \sum_{i \in I_\otb} \ell (\pred_{T} (x_i), y_i), \end{equation}\]

where \(\loss : \widehat \cY \times \cY \to \R^+\) is a loss function. For regression problems, a default choice is the quadratic loss \(\ell (\pred, y) = (\pred - y)^2\) while for multiclass classification, a default is the log-loss \(\ell (\pred, y) = - \log \pred(y)\), where \(\pred(y) \in (0, 1]\) when using (3), but other loss choices are of course possible.

Prediction function#

Let \(x \in \cell\). The prediction function \(\widehat f\) of a tree \(\tree\) in WildWood is given by

(5)#\[ \widehat f (x) = \frac{\sum_{T \subset \tree} \pi (T) e^{-\eta L_T} \pred_{T} (x)}{\sum_{T \subset \tree} \pi (T) e^{-\eta L_T}} \quad \text{with} \quad \pi(T) = 2^{- \| T \|}, \]

where the sum is over all subtrees \(T\) of \(\tree\) rooted at \(\root\), where \(\eta > 0\) is called step in WildWood and \(\|T\|\) is the number of nodes in \(T\) minus its number of leaves that are also leaves of \(\tree\). Note that \(\pi\) is the distribution of the branching process with branching probability \(1 / 2\) at each node of \(\tree\), with exactly two children when it branches. A default choice is step=1.0 for the log-loss (as explained in [B9]), but it can also be tuned through hyperoptimization, although we do not observe strong performance gains [B9]. The prediction function (5) is an aggregation of the predictions \(\wh y_T(x)\) of all subtrees \(T\) rooted at \(\root\), weighted by their performance on \(\otb\) samples. This aggregation procedure can be understood as a non-greedy way to prune trees: the weights depend not only on the quality of one single split but also on the performance of each subsequent split.

Computing \(\widehat f\) from Equation (5) is computationally and memory-wise infeasible for a large \(\tree\), since it involves a sum over all \(T \subset \tree\) rooted at \(\root\) and requires one weight for each \(T\). Indeed, the number of subtrees of a minimal tree that separates \(n\) points is exponential in the number of nodes, and hence exponential in \(n\). However, it turns out that one can compute exactly and very efficiently \(\widehat f\) thanks to the prior choice \(\pi\) together with an adaptation of context tree weighting [B5, B10, B17, B18].


The prediction function (5) can be written as \(\wh f(x) = \wh f_{\root}(x)\), where \(\wh f_{\root}(x)\) satisfies the recursion

(6)#\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:f_pred_recursion} \wh f_\node(x) = \frac 12 \frac{w_{\node}}{\wbar_\node} \pred_{\node} + \Big(1 - \frac 12 \frac{w_{\node}}{\wbar_\node} \Big) \wh f_{\node a}(x) \end{equation}\]

for \(\node, \node a \in \pathpoint(x)\) (\(a \in \{0, 1\}\)) the path in \(\tree\) going from \(\root\) to \(\node_\tree(x)\), where \(w_\node := \exp(-\eta L_\node)\) with \(L_\node := \sum_{i \in I_\otb : x_i \in C_\node} \ell (\pred_{\node}, y_i)\) and where \(\wbar_\node\) are weights satisfying the recursion

(7)#\[\begin{equation} \label{eq:wden-recursion} \wbar_{\node} = \begin{cases} w_{\node} & \text{ if } \node \in \leaves (\tree), \\ \frac{1}{2} w_{\node} + \frac{1}{2} \wbar_{\node 0} \wbar_{\node 1} &\text{ otherwise}. \end{cases} \end{equation}\]

The proof of this theorem is given in [B9]. A consequence of it is a very efficient computation of \(\wh f(x)\) as described in the Algorithms 1 and 2 below. Algorithm 1 computes the weights \(\wbar_\node\) using the fact that trees in WildWood are grown in a depth-first fashion, so that we can loop once, leading to a \(O(|\nodes(\tree)|)\) complexity in time and in memory usage, over nodes from a data structure that respects the parenthood order. Direct computations can lead to numerical over- or under-flows (many products of exponentially small or large numbers are involved), so Algorithm 1 works recursively over the logarithms of the weights (line~6 uses a log-sum-exp function that can be made overflow-proof).

Algorithm 1 (Computation of \(\log(\wbar_\node)\) for all \(\node \in \nodes(\tree)\))


\(\tree\), \(\eta > 0\) and losses \(L_\node\) for all \(\node \in \nodes(\tree)\). Nodes from \(\nodes(\tree)\) are stored in a data structure \(\mathtt{nodes}\) that respects parenthood order: for any \(\node = \mathtt{nodes}[i_{\node}] \in \inodes(\tree)\) and children \(\node a = \mathtt{nodes}[i_{\node a}]\) for \(a \in \{0, 1\}\), we have \(i_{\node a} > i_\node\).

for \(\node \in \mathrm{reversed}(\mathtt{nodes})\)

if (\(\node\) is a leaf) : Put \(\log(\wbar_\node) \gets -\eta L_\node\)
else : Put \(\log(\wbar_{\node}) \gets \log( \frac{1}{2} e^{-\eta L_{\node}} + \frac {1}{2} e^{\log(\wbar_{\node 0}) + \log(\wbar_{\node 1})})\)


The set of log-weights \(\{ \log(\wbar_{\node}) : \node \in \nodes (\tree) \}\)

Algorithm 1 is applied once \(\tree\) is fully grown, so that WildWood is ready to produce predictions using Algorithm 2 below. Note that hyperoptimization of \(\eta\) or \(\alpha\) (step and dirichlet parameters in WildWood), if required, does not need to grow \(\tree\) again, but only to update \(\wbar_\node\) for all \(\node \in \nodes(\tree)\) with Algorithm 1, making hyperoptimization of these parameters particularly efficient.

Algorithm 2 (Computation of \(\wh f(x)\) for any \(x \in C\))


Tree \(\tree\), losses \(L_\node\) and log-weights \(\log(\wbar_\node)\) computed by Algorithm 1

Find \(\node_\tree(x) \in \leaves(\tree)\) (the leaf containing \(x\)) and put \(\node \gets \node_\tree(x)\)
Put \(\wh f(x) \gets \pred_\node\) (the node \(\node\) forecaster, such as (2) for regression and (3) for classification)

while \(\node \neq \root\)

Put \(\node \gets \mathrm{parent}(\node)\)
Put \(\alpha \gets \frac 12 \exp(-\eta L_\node - \log(\wbar_\node))\)
Put \(\wh f(x) \gets \alpha \pred_\node + (1 - \alpha) \wh f(x)\)


The prediction \(\wh f(x)\)

The recursion used in Algorithm 2 has a complexity \(O(|\pathpoint(x)|)\) which is the complexity required to find the leaf \(\node_\tree(x)\) containing \(x \in C\): Algorithm 2 only increases by a factor \(2\) the prediction complexity of a standard Random Forest (in order to go down to \(\node_\tree(x)\) and up again to \(\root\) along \(\pathpoint(x)\)). More details about the construction of Algorithms 1 and 2 can be found in [B9].



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